The best mentors for me in the Laravel ecosystem
Published March 12, 2020 • 1 min read
For me the following developers are THE mentors in the Laravel ecosystem:
Taylor Otwell
Jeffrey Way
Matt Staufer
- Matt Stauffer (@stauffermatt) | Twitter
- 5 Minute Geek Show (@5minutegeekshow) | Twitter
- Laravel: Up & Running - An O’Reilly book by Matt Stauffer
- Live Stream Links |
Adam Wathan
- Adam Wathan
- Adam Wathan (@adamwathan) | Twitter
- Tailwind CSS (@tailwindcss) | Twitter
- Full Stack Radio (@fullstackradio) | Twitter
- Adam Wathan - YouTube
- Test-Driven Laravel – Learn to build robust, well-designed Laravel applications with TDD.
Frank Van der Herten
- Freek Van der Herten (@freekmurze) | Twitter
- Spatie (@spatie_be) | Twitter
- Freek Van der Herten’s blog on PHP, Laravel and JavaScript
Marcel Pociot
- Marcel Pociot (@marcelpociot) | Twitter
- Marcel Pociot’s blog about Laravel, PHP and more
- The magical code editor – Tinkerwell 💫
Eric L. Barnes
Paul Redmond
Jonathan Reinink
Caleb Porzio
Did I forget anyone? Please write me and I'll add them.